Before your appointment

  • Make sure your hair is at least ¼-inch long — about the size of a grain of rice. If it’s longer than ½ inch, you may want to trim it slightly, so the wax is able to grip better.

  • Gently exfoliate with a buffing mitt or wash cloth a couple of days before your appointment to help prevent ingrown hairs.

  • Avoid tanning for at least 24 hours before your appointment, as this can cause the skin to be more sensitive.

  • Cut down on alcohol and caffeine the day of your appointment. Both can cause your pores to tighten and make waxing more painful.

  • Wear breathable, cotton underwear or loose bottoms to your appointment for maximum comfort.

  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever about 30 minutes before your appointment to help lessen pain.


  • If there’s any tenderness, redness or discoloration, apply a hydrocortisone cream or a cool compress.

  • Avoid sexual activity for at least 24 hours. This will give any microtears time to heal before engaging in any genital-to-genital contact.

  • Avoid strenuous activity, like a medium- or high-impact workout class, and soaking in water for at least 24 hours. A shower is fine, but a bath might cause irritation.

  • Avoid tanning for at least 24 hours afterward. The deep exfoliation can make the pubic area more susceptible to sun damage.